Life Glows On: Reconnecting With Your Creativity to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

Most of us at one time or another long to produce something creative. When the COVID pandemic hit and we were required to quarantine, many of us became frustrated, depressed, and downright bored. What could we do to fill the long, empty hours sitting at home? Those still working by telecommuting were able to pass the time, but the days seemed endless for others.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Life Glows On presents help for those who feel their creativity gene has passed them by. This is so not the case. We don't need a pandemic to throw us into feeling unfulfilled or uncreative. Many feel this way regardless of being confined in their home--believing something special, individual, or personal is missing inside us.
Everyone possesses a certain component where they yearn to produce their inner passion, and this doesn’t require talent. You just need the aspiration to create something—anything—to bring joy and a sense of accomplishment. Being creative can be a source of gratification and can also bond you with like-minded folks which can also expand your happiness.
Filled with inspiring and life-affirming quotes from different sources, Life Glows On proves we all can have meaning, substantiation, and the ability to make something from nothing. When someone says they cannot draw a stick figure, maybe they're meant to do something else to generate their inventiveness. But if drawing is something you are passionate about, learn more about the craft and keep practicing until you are satisfied with your accomplishment.
The book states: "We all need to be seen, appreciated, encouraged, validated, listened to. And whether or not we've been lucky enough to get that from other people when we needed it, we can be that person for others, which in a way allows us to be that person we needed for ourselves. When we share our time and creativity, our life and story become entwined with the lives and the stories we touch."
And: "Every little thing we do really can make a difference. It doesn't have to be high drama or all-encompassing to be worth doing. . .
". . .Big, small, globally, locally. We can all touch lives and make a difference."
Often we have the desire to create something spectacular and become disappointed when what we've worked at doesn't meet our expectations. Keep learning and growing if this is what you really want. Discovering your inner self and working at what you hope to achieve will have you finding it sooner or later if you are persistent.
This goal should be about doing things we love; not for the sake of power, fame, or money. No matter how much power, fame, or wealth we may accrue, human nature always has us wanting more and better. So as you trudge your way to discovering your own sense of creativity, be proud of what you do, the journey you took to where you are, and the realization you are worthwhile.
Being creative can come in many forms. Painting, writing, gardening, decorating, photography, or anything you want to accomplish will provide you with happiness and a sense of satisfaction. Sometimes you need to continue to work toward your goal. Procrastination is easy as well as giving up if you're not happy or discouraged. Instances from your past can also prevent you from progressing and trying new things. Don't let long ago comments deter you from whatever endeavor you attempt. If you fail, learn from the experience, and go on, either to another project or understanding your mistakes to perfect what you want to accomplish.
You may say you have no time to be creative, but everyone can carve out an hour or so a day to do something to give pleasure. This is necessary to gain assurance and pride in whatever your heart tells you to do. Also, it helps to be in touch with family and friends—those who encourage you to attain your goals, regardless of how small they may be. Banish any negativity in your life. Only by hanging to it, does it do you harm.
As Cook adds: "For most of us, 2020 felt like the longest year of our lives. Lots of us were so isolated we started missing the people we didn't even like.
"I'm always trying to look on the bright side, so I managed to convince myself that as soon as I turned the calendar page to 2021, I'd live happily ever after.
"I don't think I'm the only one who did that. I hope it worked out better for you."
As Life Glows On shows how to make lemonade from lemons, many suggestions are provided as to how to bring out the creative side in each of us in several different ways. In addition, the author presents her well-known humorous asides, making us feel as though she is talking to us personally. This not just a "self-help" guide, but a joyful read that gives the reader a sense of confidence and of the reality that they are not alone