Images You Should Not Masturbate To

A short, novella-style book with no words, Images You Should Not Masturbate To uses random photographic images of common objects that, when viewed on their own merit, contain no hint of sexuality—or at least they shouldn’t. . . . But when viewed in the context of the book, their meaning appears overt.
Though some of the objects are perfectly suited and quite funny, others invoke nothing more than a raised eyebrow. Surely it’s not expected that every photo hit the mark, but with an already limited number of images, it’s assumed that each one would at least strongly represent the theme.
Among the photographs in the 80-page collection, some of the images were obvious—such as the hanging cucumbers and the little dog in the long-haired wig—while others weren’t so clear: the sinking clipper ship was questionable, ditto for the horse mane and sandwich maker.
Despite its minimal shortcomings—no pun intended—Images You Should Not Masturbate To gets high marks for its original and provocative title that makes it absolutely impossible to resist taking a peek inside.
Although these photos won’t get you in the mood, they will definitely brighten your day. Many of the images will make you laugh, titter, and even giggle, while a few border on just a little bit creepy.
A fun and entertaining book that’s small enough to hold up with one hand, Images You Should Not Masturbate To will make you look at everyday objects in a whole new light.