A Breath of Eyre

“Amazingly, in weaving Charlotte Bronte’s beloved tome into the life of a modern day teenager, Eve Marie Mont has managed to create characters that believably embody dual roles in both settings. A Breath of Eyre is a well-blended work of fiction—exceptional and unique in the arena of young adult literature. . . . a breath of fresh air for hungry readers looking for that special touch that makes a book stand out from the rest of the pack.”
Sixteen-year-old Emma Townsend feels as if she doesn’t quite fit in anywhere within her own life. A scholarship student at the exclusive Lockwood Prep, Emma is used to feeling out of place among the other wealthy and somewhat materialistic students. In fact she mostly seems to only find solace within the pages of a book.
Without many friends she is accustomed to being alone in many ways, but it still hurts at times especially when she feels surrounded by individuals who just don’t understand her. Even at home she maintains a somewhat strained relationship with her father and stepmother as she still grieves for the loss of her mother at a very young age.
On the love front Emma remains solitary as well since her main romantic relationships consist of unquenchable crushes on both her much older English teacher and a once inseparable childhood friend. Her childhood companion, Gray Newman, is now an undeniably handsome teen who happens to be insanely popular. Both these characteristics make Gray exist completely in another world from the quiet, bookish, wallflower-like Emma. In fact it seems both her loves are achingly unreachable—much like the famous character Mr. Rochester in her mother’s favorite book Jane Eyre.
Since escape into books is often Emma’s only relief she finds comfort in reading a novel so close to her mother’s heart. But nothing can prepare her for what happens after a freak accident that actually makes Emma become part of the story. While innocently reading Jane Eyre Emma finds the classic tale turning into real life and her lost within the story in the persona of the main character, Jane. Is Emma Jane or is Jane Emma? It’s almost too confusing to decipher as many of the actual people and events in Emma’s real life become one with what was once simply a book.
As contemporary young adult fiction and a literary masterpiece combined, A Breath of Eyre is full of clever connections, tantalizing twists, and unexpected turns that will keep readers glued to its pages.
Amazingly, in weaving Charlotte Bronte’s beloved tome into the life of a modern day teenager, Eve Marie Mont has managed to create characters that believably embody dual roles in both settings. A Breath of Eyre is a well-blended work of fiction—exceptional and unique in the arena of young adult literature.
This YA novel is a breath of fresh air for hungry readers looking for that special touch that makes a book stand out from the rest of the pack.