Believe: A Pop-Up Book of Possibilities

"From a humble beginning to a life among the stars."
Believe is a small pop-up book with few words and a large message. Robert Sabuda, master paper artist, has managed to outline life's endless possibilities with six white paper cut-outs.
For example, the first one is: "I will stand tall." A large white Christmas tree pops up to illustrate this concept. Other possibilities are striving for goals and sharing dreams. When flying together, a tower of birds jumps out of the page. "I will dream big" is a sailing boat. A space rocket aptly illustrates the last possibility: "From a humble beginning to a life among the stars."
The detail in these three-dimensional paper cut-outs are striking. In the one with the flowers, each flower has a tab that can be moved back and forth to open and close. "I will savor the outcome." One can almost smell those savory flowers.
This delightful pop-up book rejoices in life's journey. It's a positive attitude towars people's lives now. With so much negativity in the world today, it's a breath of fresh air to believe that life's possibilities can be attainable by striving to reach "for a life among the stars."
Although designed for ages five to eight, this book would be an apt graduation present for kindergarten and university students alike.