Military History & Affairs

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“a well-written and engrossing account of a World War II episode which has not necessarily seen the light of day . . .”

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For months he stood over me—a lone soldier in a silhouette.

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“For those interested in this critical campaign, this volume is recommended.”

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“Volumes such as this one can help inform and shape the debate that will hopefully move beyond partisan fallout and examine these wars more methodically.”

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“As always Buruma is a reporter first; he does not argue a particular side without citation and witness.

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“Anyone with an interest in history, WWII, Nazis, Eichmann, the Holocaust, genocide, or the escape of many powerful Nazis to South America will find this book an amazing collection of old a

“. . . as if there were any doubt about it, Germans knew about the Holocaust.

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This book is rich in detail not only about Billy Mitchell, but also about the many steps taken to finally bring a third military arm into existence.

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“. . . this book will grab them by the scruff of the neck and hold them spellbound from beginning to end.”

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“. . . a book that conflates the emotional reactions elicited by the imagery with the thoughtfulness of well-written history.”

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“A highly readable account of a war Europe completely misjudged in terms of bloodshed and cost . . .”

“. . . a work accessible to both the professional and the casual reader alike.”

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“Gerald Kleinfeld and Lewis Tambs have chosen to highlight the relatively obscure service rendered by Spain to the German war effort on the Eastern Front.”

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“. . . does an excellent job of telling the story of one of America’s finest and darkest episodes in World War II . . .”

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“Do we really need another book about the Civil War? Mr. Fleming makes a solid, compelling case in the affirmative.”

Stephen Harding is senior editor of Military History and a prolific researcher and military historian whose works include seven other nonfiction books as well as hundreds of magazine artic

“Stephen Budiansky has mastered the difficulties of the story, making it very readable and compelling.”

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“Considering adding to your collection of Civil War books? Mr.

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“[certain characterizations in the book ought not] preclude serious consideration of Dr.
