Fashion History

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What stands out above all else is that the authors of Fashion Quotes: Stylish Wit and Catwalk Wisdom have skillfully and seamlessly set their book apart from all others that focus on this

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It is amazing that practically every book devoted to Dior, whether the designer himself or the DNA of the brand, can be consistently as exquisitely produced, informative, and entertaining.

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Without question, the cast of characters reads like a who’s who of fashion over the past quarter of a century.

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Unlike its kissing cousin, LEVIS, the name Carhartt is not as ubiquitous, but as the title states it is a work in progress.

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What is immensely interesting about a book of this scope is who/what is included and then who/what is excluded.

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If there was ever a book that could elicit excitement and anticipation just from its sheer size and presentation, Fendi Roma would be it.

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After having read this amazing book, this reader suddenly became aware that there is a cult of denim aficionados, “denimheads” to be exact, as well as a culture of denim.

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There is no question that Focus is a book that must be evaluated on several planes depending on one’s point of view and frame of reference.

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Pat Cleveland is a living legend of fashion who was the rarest of exotic birds to have inhabited fashion. She has withstood the test of time in a business that has a memory as long as one’s pinky.

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Couture Confessions is a book that should assessed based on two distinct points of view depending on the reading experience/history of each reader.

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Before going any further, it should be stated that if you have no interest in the legacy of Gucci, the brand or family, then you can safely pass on this book.

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What a way to start off the year for books of this genre.

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Ametora is defined as the Japanese slang abbreviation of “American Traditional.”

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Minh-ha Pham has taken a somewhat innocuous topic and tried to make it a Major Topic.

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What perplexes most is that if an author is going to immerse herself in a subject, why can’t she be fluent with the language and vocabulary of that topic?  

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NY Journal of Books just reviewed Fashion: A Timeline in Photographs: 1850 to Today and Fashion Plates should have been its predecessor as it details in chronological ord

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". . . offers an entirely different perspective on the world of fashion . . ."

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Paris Haute Couture is possibly one of the most informative and exhaustive volumes on the subject.

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In Cult Eyewear: The World’s Enduring Classics, Neil Handley provides a rich history of eyeglasses starting in the late 18th century right up to the present.

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Mr. Walford affords the reader great insight with regard to one of the most highly influential fashion decades of the past century.

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To anyone with a comprehensive knowledge of the fashion industry, the name Emilio Cavallini is immediately associated with hosiery and leg wear.

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend a weekend with Coco Chanel?

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 (Little, Brown and Company, September 2006) The Beautiful Fall has been classified “pop culture” but it is more much a chronicle of the parallel lives of two of the most famous designers of
