
Reviewed by: 

The Dragon Lady powerfully captures the colonial era in Zimbabwe . . . Lovers of historical fiction won’t be disappointed.”

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Karen Dukess draws the world of the New York literary scene in the 1980s—and the landscape its players inhabit—so vividly that readers will imagine they have experienced e

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“Eloisa James’ romances are always a delight, and this one is the best yet.”

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"On Wings of a Lion is a debut novel that far surpasses expectations."

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“Against all odds, this is a feel-good novel.”

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“a sweet, inspiring, and easy read . . .”

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“Sisters of Summer's End is a passionate, sensual, and steamy novel.

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“a heartwarming read.”

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Every woman wants the perfect man, and Celeste Jones believes she has this with Emerson Willis. Not only is he handsome, but he's a cop, so his standards must be high, right?

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“a thought-provoking consideration of what it’s like to cross the shadowy topography between life and death, to watch the sun go down at the world’s end, and to follow loved ones as they na

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“this novel reflects Sandra Byrd’s excellent historical research and meticulous use of period detail.”  

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“This sweet novel is both romantic and heartwarming while also offering a bit of mystery and suspense.”

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“filled with a complex cast of characters imbued with both good and evil, as well a good man who walks the thin line between.”

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“a beautiful retelling of the beloved fairytale set against the reality of 17th century France.”

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“a good series to follow and a fast read.”

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“Rule masterfully navigates a series of difficult storytelling forms and tropes to emerge as a cohesive, compelling, and fast-paced fantasy adventure.”

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“Sparks sure knows how to ignite the romance between two characters.”

“Whoever loved who loved not at first sight?” —William Shakespeare, As You Like It.

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“With a plot resembling one of Shakespeare’s plays, in which ‘illusion, deception, madness, and the extraordinary things love will cause us to do’ are revealed, this novel is a delightful a

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Lucy Kincaid receives a letter from attorney Henry Garrison in Virginia soon after her mother Beth dies from cancer.

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“a convincing, fascinating glimpse into the private lives of two very remarkable individuals.”

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This is a love story between two women who are the complete opposites of each other.

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“a bit of a different period romance in that it has a very independent and strong female main character”

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The Amish are very spiritual and morally set in the ways of their faith. Sadie Detweiler, courted by Harlan Mast, finds she is pregnant.

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“an entertaining and welcome entry in this series”

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Physician’s assistant Annie Marlow, happy with her life and job in southern California, feels guilty when her mother pleads with her to come home for Thanksgiving.
