
Reviewed by: 

“The Madness of Crowds is a typical Gamache mystery, charming and poetic, thought-provoking and dark, but it could have been much better.”

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“Adams provides the red herrings, the foreshadowing, and the clues we need to pick out the murderer, and yet she turns some sharp corners that cause us to question their decisions.”

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Not having seen her friend, Sarah Whitaker, for a while, Greer Hogan heads up to Lake Placid, New York, to attend her nuptials with parties held over several days.

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“While the story may seem convoluted it really is a good read with intricate twists and turns that only add to the tale.”

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“Cates provides a story that moves along at a good pace while educating the reader on all thing’s witchery.”

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“Although Burdette wanders back and forth between the Scottish history and the actual attempted murder and the real murder, she does so with clear writing and enough clues and action to kee

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“Reyes does well when creating her primary characters.

Reviewed by: 

“Regard this novel as a grand and glorious swan song.”

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“A captivating, stylish, literary/noir mashup! A terrific debut!”

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“Lush has done a good job of developing strong characters and a good premise.”

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Cozy mysteries come in all stripes and appeal to a variety of readers.

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Fans of Lynne Truss may find her newest mystery, Psycho by the Sea, both entertaining and amusing. But not so much for anyone who has not read her work before.

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Gracie Tellman, happily married and the mother of three young children, is shocked when Millie Foster, the daughter of her deceased best friend, shows up at her house.

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It’s always risky for readers to enter a series late in its development—in this instance, book 24 in the Andy Carpenter mystery series.

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“If you’re looking for distinctive international bouquet in your ‘Scandi noir,’ this isn’t going to fit your collection.

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This third installment of the Fog Ladies series has the group embroiled yet in another adventure.

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Millions of dollars’ worth of stolen diamonds, mixed up with murder . . .

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There are many, many cozy mysteries out there, more than any fan can read in a decade. This new entry into the genre doesn’t rank among the best, though it will satisfy undemanding readers.

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“keeps the reader guessing who the real culprit is, and the reader will be satisfied with the outcome. The required dramatic climax is harrowing and well written.”

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“The way Mattie handles her service dog, the logistics of his training, his canine personality, the important evidence he believably uncovers, and their warm yet disciplined interaction rem

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“the required tension-filled dénouement is well done and keeps the final pages turning.”

Reviewed by: 

High emotion is balanced by high intellect and a high level of craft, revealing an author at the top of her game.”

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"‘The surreal, nightmare quality of the scene dissolved, and I saw only Joanna, impossibly still and silent.’"

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“If the story followed the traditional journey of a cozy, the premise would be a good one.

Reviewed by: 

“Similar in pace and tenderness to the Ladies’ Detective Agency mysteries of Alexander McCall Smith, this mystery fits neatly into the traditional mold, providing an enjoyable read that’s i
