Coloratura: High Jewelry and Precious Objects by Cartier

Merriam Webster defines coloratura as the elaborate embellishment in vocal music broadly: music with ornate figuration and François Chaille essays to extrapolate that meaning and apply it to the exquisite jewels of Cartier first by speaking of the jewels musically and then in terms of color.
The first segment in which he speaks of Cartier in almost poetic and the most rhapsodic language seems a tad over the top, but once he segues back to solely color there is so much to be absorbed and learned from what he has to say. Not only do you get the explanation of stones and these newest treasures, but you also get a historical context when addressing the colors and the colored stones.
Unquestionably the photographs are exquisite, and the illustrations are of equal value and beauty given their precision. Grouped by colors and by sets, the one hundred newest pieces remind us that there is a reason why Cartier’s image and reputation within the hierarchy of haute joallier has not been tarnished. These new pieces adopt some of brand’s oldest mechanics, trademarks, and techniques as well as in a way extending some of their most famous historical groups such as Tutti Frutti.
In these times it is reassuring to know that some heritage brands continue to evolve while never abandoning their original DNA; Cartier certainly rises to the challenge at the top of its class with this new grouping. The jewels are not just composed of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires but of tourmalines, peridots, opals, rubellite, and topaz, to name a few. For some this will be eye opening since the majority of heritage brands are often associated with stones of great value such as the former rather than the latter.
Coloratura Cartier will be a book that one goes back to when wishing to lose oneself in the absolute fantasy of owning or even handling pieces such as these.
If you are a Cartier fan, a jewelry aficionado, or just a lover of exquisite works of haute joallier then this book is a must to add to your library.